“Boxing showed me that I have the power to change my own circumstances, so why shouldn’t I be able to change the gear and industry too?“
When it seems like everything and everyone around you lets you know that you’re not good enough, it becomes difficult to believe otherwise.
Despite doing my best, I was a straight D student growing up and never believed I could really make something of myself.
Even when I mustered up the courage and moved to a new city to pursue my dream career, it felt like nothing would work out...again.
I had no family, no friends, and no hope.
At the lowest point in my life, I hated myself, had zero self-confidence, and had no clue what to do next.
By that time, I was 20 pounds heavier and I knew my life needed a change.
Boxing was the first step on that journey.
I was terrified to step into my first class and it was intimidating to be the only girl at times.
But I knew to build the life I truly desired, I needed to step out of my comfort zone.
What started off as a small goal to get back in shape grew into a complete lifestyle change.
I looked better but most importantly, I felt better.
I remember throwing my first punch, and how good it felt! Entering a state of flow and letting all my anger and disappointment from the world and how inadequate it made me feel out on the bag.
As I put in more hours at the gym and built out my training schedule, I grew a newfound sense of confidence and power.
My energy shifted and I started to make real friends.
Boxing helped me shed my limiting beliefs and I loved leaving every training session knowing that I showed up for myself.
There was only one problem: I never felt like I truly belonged!
And after speaking with other women, I realized it was a universal struggle.
I loved the sport, but not the environment, the gear, or the industry. I could never find equipment that fit me right or represented the way I wanted to show up and express myself.
I was sick of settling for gear that just felt like an afterthought and I knew women deserved better!
Because how could you train confidently without the right equipment, environment, or community to support you?
So in a post-training epiphany, KO Studio was born!
Before taking my first boxing class, I had never been in a fight. I never felt like I was good enough and was afraid of taking up space.
But the sport taught me how to take hits, and above all, it gave me the confidence to fight for what I wanted in life.
Boxing showed me that I have the power to change my own circumstances, so why shouldn’t I be able to change the gear and industry too?
KO Studio was born from my love for boxing and product design, to create everything I wish had existed when I first started!
I’m so excited that you’re here!
And even more excited to support you on your journey to being the best version of yourself.
So let’s punch stuff 🥊(and change the world)
Yin - Founder, KO Studio